2011 State of the Nation Address of Pres Noy Aquino (an excerpt)
And to my beloved countrymen, my Bosses:
Over the years, the wang-wang had come to symbolize abuse of authority.They had no right to do this.
Do you want the corrupt held accountable? So do I. Do you want to see the end of wang-wang, both on the streets and in the sense of entitlement that has led to the abuse that we have lived with for so long? So do I. Do you want to give everyone a fair chance to improve their lot in life? So do I.
We have fought against the wang-wang, and our efforts have yielded results.
"As for business, who would have thought that the stock market would reach seven record highs in the past year?"
"Today we can see that our taxes are going where they should, and therefore there is no reason not to pay the proper taxes."
"We do not wish to increase tensions with anyone, but we must let the world know that we are ready to protect what is ours."
"Let us stop pulling our fellow man down. Let us put an end to our crab mentality. Let us make the effort to recognize the good that is being done."
"Let us end the culture of negativism; let us uplift our fellow Filipinos at every opportunity."
"If you see something right, do not think twice—praise it."